All Resources You Need To Grow Your Commercial Cleaning Business

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A-Z Process To Growing a 7-Figure Commercial Cleaning Business (Done-With-You)

Step #1

Join our private Facebook Group to network with over a thousand cleaning business owners.

Step #2

Access our Free Course with over 40 lessons to help you learn how to grow a commercial cleaning business step-by-step.

Step #3

Watch our YouTube Playlist with further Training to learn exactly how Rick grew his commercial cleaning business to over 5m.

Step #4

Get our built website template inside so you can set-up your pre-done website & software system right away.

Step #5

If you're ready to grow your commercial after you've done your research, apply now if you are able to afford it (Best Path For All Cleaning Business Owners)

Our Systematic Process to Growing a 7-Figure Commercial Cleaning Business (DONE-WITH-YOU)

We have perfected the process of growing a commercial cleaning business over the last 5 years, with over 370 clients, making a combined client revenue of 123m per year...

1-High Business Credibility To Be The Go-To Choice

2-Get Consistent Leads On Autopilot Each Week

3-Close The Contracts With a High Closing Rate

4-Have Cleaners On Standby Ready To Clean Your

5-Automate, Collect Recurring Profits And Repeat

How To Build A Commercial Cleaning Business System That Works For You...

How Much These Contracts Pay Each Month

Before We Continue...

This is Not for Everyone

  • You must be willing to learn and be coachable.

  • You must put in the work and stay committed Long-Term.

  • You Must Overcome Limiting Beliefs

  • You Must Understand Return on Investment & Able to Invest in Your Business (Priority).

  • You Must Understand the Value of Getting Professional Help & Value of a Mentor

  • You can not give up, you must be ready to deal with stress without giving up no matter what (must be here long-term)

You Can Do This...


  • Never Selling Your Soul To a franchise

  • Without Having to Ever Clean

  • You Never Have to Do Cold Calls or Door to Door

  • No College

  • No Equipment or Office Needed

  • No Business Experience OR Skills

Why Should You Listen to Me?

  • I cleaned for 6 Years (I been in your shoes.

  • Grew My Company Mastery Cleaning To 120k Per Month In 4 Years

  • I was the fastest growing cleaning business in my city.

  • Over 6k Subs on YouTube Teaching Cleaning Owners

  • Helped Hundreds of Owners Grow Past 20k Per Month

  • In 2022 I sold my contracts at a high 6-figure exit + royalty

I Was Doing it the Wrong Way Before...

  • I was a cleaner & sub-contractor working 7 days a week.

  • I was tired of trading time for money (Treadmill)

  • I spent months building my business.

  • I didn’t know how to get commercial contracts.

  • I had unreliable workers from not hiring the right people.

  • I didn’t know how to price contracts.

How We Will Help You Get Commercial Cleaning Contracts?

By Building An IN-HOUSE Client Acquisition System (Done-With-You)

You Need To Turn Your Commercial Cleaning Business Into a Machine (Business) That Works for You

I Thought a 9 to 5 Job was The Path TO Success

  • 4 Years Wasted & 70k Debt for College

  • Trading half my life for 40 years

  • 2 weeks off a year

  • 80k per year job is 4500 Take Home a Month

  • Rely on one income Source

But Closing Contracts is a Process


a business is multi-dimensional


If your business credibility is not optimized, then clients won’t trust you and you will appear just like another business.

#2 Closing Process & Pricing

If you cannot close leads, then you will leave a lot of opportunity on the table

#3 Hiring Reliable Cleaners

You need a proper hiring process and have cleaners ready to work as soon as you get a contract

#4 Cashflow & Ensuring You Keep The Client

Make a good profit, get paid fast and have a high retention rate (keep clients for many years)

#5 Automating the Business So It Runs by Itself

Put the systems in place to automate the business (Have the business working for you)

Let me ask you a question...

Do you think this will work for you?

It's a straightforward business, if you do it right. is this something you want to do?

You have Two Options

Option 1

Do everything by yourself.

  1. It will take longer.

    No strategy

    Only grow with trial and error

  1. It will take harder.

    Not knowing what to say

    Not knowing the tools

    Not knowing what to do

  1. It will cost more.

    Spend too much.

    waste of time

  1. It will be more painful.

Sad from making it.

Frustrated with confusion.

Option 2

Work with CleaningLaunch

1. Get Commercial Contracts Every Month as Fast as Possible (get leads on autopilot)

2. Save 2-3 years' worth of trial / errors.

3. Save 200k - 2m from errors / loss opportunity.

4. Grow the Business 5x Faster with a Strategic strategy.

5. Less problems & headaches





#1 We will help you setup 1-3 Lead Systems Done-With-You (Start getting walk-throughs within 1-3 weeks)

#2 Get all the Training, Resources, Templates &step-by-step.

SOP’s (Save 3 years, a few million from trial/errors) Scale to 7 figures step-by-step.

#3 You will get 1:1 Mentoring from me directly.

(Not my team, it’s 1:1) (We only accept 10 new clients a month)


  • Get commercial cleaning leads on autopilot every week.

  • Able to close commercial contracts with a high closing rate.

  • You will be able to price correctly.

  • You will have a system to have reliable cleaners on standby.

  • You will have a 7-figure mentor & get help the same day.

  • You will have a community of cleaning business owners.

  • Have a CRM & Pipeline System Ready

Watch this 1 hour live training call with our clients, we discuss walk-throughs they did during the week and you will be able to see how fast our clients get results.


  1. Set-up a client acquisition system done-with-you that brings 1-4 commercial contracts per month (Costing multi-6-figures each year by not doing it)

  2. Get Mentored 1:1 By Rick Brown for up to 12 months grow 5x faster than doing it alone, you will get 1:1 access to Rick where he will do one/two weekly one-on-one zoom meetings, as needed and have rick’s personal number(same-day-reply) to grow your business faster while covering all foundations of the business (Grow 5x faster, Save 10 years' worth of business experience, multi 6-figures trial/error costs)

  1. In-house your marketing and have it set-up Done-With-You, it’s optional but if you have a monthly marketing budget or once you’re big enough, we can set-it up done with you, so you don’t waste months learning about marketing or waste thousands by doing wrong or not having the proper filters set-up (Save 24k a year from paying an agency to run your ads)

  1. Save 15k with our Google Keywords & Negative Keywords, it's technical to explain but you will get 500+ negative keywords to not waste any money on Google ads, no agency has this list (Save 15k from wasted ad spend from non-qualified leads)

  1. Have Lifetime access To Everything, our goal is to provide as much value for a lifetime and be a growth toolbox for your entrepreneurial journey as we continue to improve and update our program/resources/sops/community/IP (intellectual property) with up-to-date strategies (Opportunity to generate 6-7 figures recurring, save years' worth of experience)

  1. Get 5000 - 30000 Leads List of Offices in Your City, we will scrape thousands of companies in your city. You will get their company name, phone number and email of each lead. All these companies have an address attached, so you will be ready to start setting up walk-throughs (Save 300 hours of lead scraping)

  1. Have our CRM Snapshot, you will get the website, pipeline, workflows, triggers a template that’s optimized to get leads and gain credibility, so clients are more likely to pick you. This is also the #1 software agencies use, because is an all-in-one software solution (Save 1500 a month with an all-in-one software solution, save 1 year with our ready-to-use workflows/templates/pipeline)

  1. Access Our Exclusive Commercial Cleaning Mastermind, we switch to a WhatsApp group where everyone is a cleaning business owner from 6 - 7 figures, you will be able to network for a lifetime, see people’s results to be inspired, ask questions, help each other and provide peer to peer support (Priceless value, your network is your net worth)

  1. Life-Time Access To Our Weekly Live Zoom Group Coaching, again your network is your net worth, you will get lifetime access to our live zoom group coaching, where you can ask any question and see what others are asking and get a diversified strategy as we share what’s working for different cleaning owners, we also bring 7 figure guests to help sometimes(Opportunity to generate 6-7 figures recurring, save years' worth of experience)

  1. Lifetime access to Our Programs & Sop’s, our goal is to provide as much value for a lifetime and be a growth toolbox for your entrepreneurial journey as we continue to improve and update our program/resources/sops/community/IP (intellectual property) with up-to-date strategies (Save 300 hours of lead scraping)

  1. Optimized Done-For-You Winning Proposal & Brochure (Bonus), yes I know you may have a template already, but 95% of the times, it’s not a winning proposal, it may still work, but it may be hurting your closing rate, we have the template ready, so we will customize them with your info and provide them within 24 hours, so you‘re ready to do a walk-through (Save 10-20 contracts trying to optimize this with experience and save 20 hours from creating this)

  1. Accountability Coaching (Bonus), nothing happens if you sit in your couch or you give up easily, which is why you will also be accountable in achieving certain goals, we will do check-ups on top of everything else, to maximize your success (we also want to keep a high client success rate) (Double your speed and success rate by being accountable)


  • Lifetime Support (available to schedule a call anytime for anything)

  • Lifetime Access for The "7-Figure Step-By-Step Commercial Cleaning Business Program"

  • The first 12 months will be more intensive coaching.

  • Peer to peer support: Access our exclusive community of cleaning company owners.

  • Custom Business Action Plan Made By Rick Brown

  • Customize Professional Website, Optimized to Win Contracts

  • Highly Converting Commercial Cleaning Proposal (Customized with your info)

  • Professional Brochure & Flyer customized for your business

  • All the SOP systems for every aspect of the business from hiring, systemizing, complaints, closing, etc.

  • Cold Outreach Scripts, Outreach Follow-up SOPs

  • Contracts to legally protect yourself from staff and sub-contractors.

  • Publish and/or optimize your Google Maps Business for long-term organic traffic.

  • Optional: We will run/operate/optimize your Google Ads

  • Copy/Paste Ready-To-Use Material

  • We will help you hire a $3/Hour VA

  • We will help you set-up your Google Ads once you're ready.

  • We keep updating the program & resources so you will continue to receive new ways to improve/grow your business.


The goal is to get commercial cleaning contracts asap, so this is a quick summary of the process we will go over 1:1 over the next month:

Week 1:

Establishing your business credibility to appear as established as possible. You will spend a lot of time learning everything in our program & resources to better prepare you while we build/optimize your tools.

Week 1-3:

Is to hire a $3/hour VA to start booking appointments for you, so you don't ever have to do a cold call. And the second lead source will be creating a cold email outreach sequence, so it sends 100-200 emails each day on autopilot to decision makers in your city. We can help you set up your Google ads but it's optional.

Week 2-4:

Perfecting the pricing structure, the closing process with the correct documents and follow-up sequence to have a high closing rate.

Week 2-5:

Screening, interviewing cleaners and having several experienced cleaners ready on standby, ready to work once you get a new contract.


You will have everything you need to close a contract your 1st week but closing a contract can take up to 1-2 months sometimes with full transparency, but if you spend more, you can easily get multiple appointments per week and get multiple contracts a month. Simply the more output (sales & marketing), the more results.

There are more areas we'll go over and cover, but in the beginning it's important to keep it simple, focus on the "bread and butter" and not over complicate it. But we'll also cover hiring, training, cashflow, max profit, retention rate, scaling other lead methods, invoicing, automating, etc (much more).

We'll answer all your questions on the call!


  • "I don’t know if I can close contracts" Our program covers effective contract-closing strategies. We provide practical techniques and confidence-building methods to help you, secure contracts successfully.

  • "Finding Cleaners?" We guide you through the process of hiring capable and reliable cleaners. Our strategies are designed to help you build a strong, dependable team.

  • "Not believing it's possible" Success stories from our clients demonstrate the real potential in this business. Seeing the achievements of others who were once in your position will help you realize what's possible.

  • "Not believing in yourself" Beyond business skills, we focus on mindset. Our mentorship will help you overcome self-doubt and foster a strong, confident approach to running your business.

  • "I don’t trust you guys" We believe in transparency and invite you to speak with our past clients. Their experiences and our open communication will help build the trust necessary for a successful partnership.

  • "Is it worth the investment?" Consider our program an investment in your business's future growth. The skills and strategies you learn are designed to deliver a substantial return on your investment.


  • Continuous Improvement at Cleaning Launch: Our biggest goal at Cleaning Launch is to always keep getting better. We're constantly adding new stuff like tools and mentors to make our services even better. We believe that there's always a way to improve in business and we don't just settle for being okay. Growing and improving is what we're all about. We use this idea in everything we do, and we help our clients think this way too. When you join us, you're not only learning how to manage a cleaning business, but you're also joining a team that's always trying to do things better.

  • We're Great at Getting Big Cleaning Contracts: We've done really well with our own cleaning company, Mastery Cleaning, by getting big, profitable cleaning contracts. We're not just about teaching ideas; we give you real methods and steps that have worked in the real world. Our clients, who make between 300k-500k a month, show that our ways work. When you work with us, you're learning from people who know what they're doing and have had real success.

  • Keeping It Simple: We believe in making success easy to reach. We've turned complicated stuff into simple steps so that even people new to this can understand and use them quickly. Our training and tools are easy to use because we think being simple helps people do things better and faster.

  • Looking at the Whole Business: Growing a business means you need to be good at lots of different things, not just one. At Cleaning Launch, we teach you about all parts of running a business, like getting clients, handling money, making your operations better, and growing your business the right way. This full view makes sure that every part of your business is set up to grow and do well.

  • Learn to Be the Boss: We want to help you become a real business owner, not just someone who manages cleaning jobs. We'll help you set up a system where you can let others do the cleaning work, and you can focus on making your business bigger. We'll guide you on how to make a business that can run well, even when you're not handling everything yourself.

The Best Decision you can do is to work with someone who's already done it

Apply To Book a Zoom Meeting Below If You're Serious In Growing Your Commercial Cleaning Business. You need 5k + plus to get started.

Results & Testimonials

We have worked with hundreds of cleaning companies with a consistent track record over the last 5 years.

Patrick S, owner of QCC Quality Cleaning Control

"I was completely new to the cleaning industry and after struggling for over a year, I decided to work with the expert, my whole business was completely setup properly by Rick's team and thanks to his sales rep I was able to get 1-2 contracts for the last 9 months"

Tyrone B, owner of NYC Janitorial Services

"My company was already doing 45 thousand a month and thanks to Rick, we were able to add additional leads channels and we grew to 64k a month after five months of joining, I work less and make money, best thing I ever done"

Sarah H, owner of IQ Office Cleaning Experts

"We started as a residential cleaning business doing 3-4k a month and after working with Rick, we were able to acquire 7 commercial accounts in 4 months, without any money spent on marketing"